Wednesday, December 31, 2014

We have a lot of vineyard excitement here at Allegro to look forward to in 2015: finish pruning and tying up vines, lots of preparation for new planting and all of the normal work that goes into each vintage. 

Planning for the new planting has a lot of my attention right now as lots of material has to be ordered, bought and delivered.  Vines are not the only thing that make up a vineyard.  One doesn't always think of it but besides vines and fruit, vineyards today are all about heavy metal, line poles, end poles, wire, anchors and hardware.  For example, my best calculations show that for this 6 acre planting we will need a bit over 70 miles of wire for the trellis.  To put that in perspective, the winery is 68 miles from Baltimore's BWI Airport which is a good hour and a half away.  Estimated start date for planting is May 1st so I'm on track.    

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Well, we are almost at the end of harvest, the older Cabernet Sauvignon is still left to pick.  I know it has been a while since my last post and it may have been interesting for me to give a play by play of the harvest, maybe not, but I didn't, sorry.  Lots of the past 3 weeks were spent just trying to get everything done.

Having said all of that, I think we grew some pretty wonderful grapes, they certainly smell yummy fermenting away!  We for sure got lucky with the long sunny fall and relative lack of rain both of which kept grape maturity slowly chugging along with warm days and cool nights.

The vineyard part of this vintage may be almost over but the hard work in the cellar is about mid-way through.  My winery colleagues Angel and Rebecca are deep into pump-overs and punch-downs of the reds and racking and barreling whites.

It seems like a long time ago when we were anticipating bud break, the start of the season and wondering how it would all turn out 6 months later.  Somehow it all appears to have worked, now we just take a breath and start all over again, pruning starts after Thanksgiving.      

Friday, September 19, 2014

Our truck picture had been making the social media rounds, over a million views.  I was doing deliveries around Harrisburg yesterday and got a lot of smiles and thumbs-up from my fellow road warriors stuck in traffic on I-83.  It's nice to be the recipient of road joy instead of road rage!

Monday, September 15, 2014

View from my office window

The weather outlook for this week looks perfect.  Slight chance of rain tomorrow but otherwise we just break 70, dry and beautiful clear skies which is all perfect for ripening grapes!  My friends in CA might even be jealous.  We have a small amount of Pinot Noir which we may pick on Wednesday so we will see how prepared we are on the crush pad.  Harvest is about to start!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Keeping our feathered friends from the Franc

We missed pretty much all of the rain that passed through the area over the weekend so the vineyard is continuing to benefit from this great Indian Summer weather, dry and warm!  So far no disease or rot and we have netted almost all of the vineyard without the birds having discovered us.  Because of the slow start in the spring harvest will probably be delayed a week or two so there is plenty of time for things to happen but right now we are in great shape.      

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to Allegro Vines!  My name is Nelson Stewart and I am the Vineyard Manager at Allegro Vineyards in Brogue PA where we like to say we are not in the middle of nowhere but you can see it from the winery.  I have over 25 years volunteering and working in cellars and vineyards in MD and PA with the last 12 years as a full-time vineyard manager.  By a very early age I showed talent on the violin and developed those skills into a successful career as a professional orchestral violinist in both Europe and the USA.  In 2002 I swapped my hobby with my profession which is how I came to be at Allegro.

Enough!  I hope to give regular updates of life in the vineyard and what I observe and learn as the season moves along.  Questions and observations from readers will be much appreciated and hopefully make interesting reading for you. This is a great time to start a blog because a most of the repetitious hard work of the summer is over and we are just weeks away from the start of harvest. Thanks for following!